
Cozy Mk-IV


Cozy Plans:      Aircraft Spruce



Cozy Builders Mailing List - Contact Marc Zeitlin
This is the primary resource for Cozy builders to learn, ask questions and get straight answers.

Cozy Builders Mailing List Archive Search Engine - Rick Maddy has made it easy for us, make it easy on all of us by searching the archives before you ask a question, chances are it has already been answered
Marc's website has a wealth of information and links


Long-EZ, Open-EZ and Berkut

Long-EZ ( Open-EZ ) Plans:
See The Canard Zone "Open-EZ Project" for a public domain builder supported version of the Long-EZ


Canard Aviators  newslist, similar to the Cozy Builder's Mailing List while not limited to the Long-Ez and Varieze it tends to be focused more in that direction


Central States Association -
This is a quarterly newsletter by snail mail, DO NOT BUILD A CANARD AIRCRAFT WITHOUT IT
Join the CSA, you may want to order the back issues of the newsletter, there is more hard science and hands on research in those newsletters than anywhere else, you won't find this stuff on the net or some bodies web site.